What is a BOI?
Beneficial Ownership Information refers to identifying information about the individuals who directly or indirectly own or control a company.
Beginning in 2025, new LLC owners must file within 30 days to file before the $591 per day.
LLCs existing prior to 2024, must be filed by end of year 2024.
New Required Reporting for Limited Liability Company (LLC) Owners
Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)
Many of our clients have said that their offices do not know how to properly file the BOI form or are uncertain as to what it is. Let OTB Tax handle this for you.
Don’t get hit with a fine!
Courtney Epps stays on top of changes in the business ownership world and the tax world to make sure that you don’t pay more than you should and can keep every dollar you can!
How Our BOI Reporting Service Works:
– Reporting BOI to FinCEN –
We’ll do all the work and ensure it’s done correctly for ONLY $99!

1. Click the link to fill out the form, pay the invoice, and then submit your ID.

2. We’ll file the Beneficial
Ownership Information.

3. Congrats! You’re in compliance with the latest regulations.
What Will You Need For Your BOI Session
You will be asked to upload a copy of your driver’s license, which is a requirement by FINCEN.
If you have any questions, please contact the office at 864-251-5052.
Reporting Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) is a one-time filing, unless one or both of the following changes:
1. change of address and/or 2. change of ownership… then you’ll need to refile the BOI.