Hello, my name is Dr. Kenneth Meisten, and I’m the proud owner of Carolina Health Innovations. I’m the actual chiropractor there, but we also have acupuncture massage, DOT exams, rehab, all different kinds of stuff to help our patients achieve the goals that they wanna achieve, get over the ailments that they’re suffering through, as well as just help them to have a better experience in life.
I’ve got a great testimony from Courtney Epps, I just met her through BNI this past year, and she’s really changed my life when it comes to dealing with taxes. I’ve passed two accounts I just have not been happy with, they have not been informative, they have in my opinion really haven’t done a great job trying to help me save money. Looking back through my company, and through all my paperwork and files and numbers, and really helped to try to grow my company.
That’s kind of what Courtney has done. She’s saved me a lot of money, she’s gone back three years in my taxes. Originally, I was supposed to owe for my last account $3,300, she’s basically got me $18,000 back from the government, and so it’s been a wonderful experience with her. She’s also my CFO now, helping me to try to grow my company, so we meet once a month and talk different strategies and look at the numbers as a whole, and hopefully provide 10 to 20, 30% increase each year that she works for me. I would highly recommend her to anybody. Dr. Ken Meisten, Carolina Health Innovations.
A song can make or ruin a person’s day if they let it get to them. -Marshall Knox
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