Courtney Epps Testimonials

A Plumber’s 5-STAR Review of OTBTax

By February 13, 2019March 11th, 202168 Comments

Hi, I’m Linda with Randall Schneider plumbing, your favorite plumber. Randall has been a plumber for 29 years. He’s licensed in North and South Carolina. He does residential as well as commercial plumbing. He’s insured.

We started with Courtney, about six months ago to have her look at our finances and our taxes. We just barely met. She had her computer out, she was pulling up our account information, taking a look, and I was very impressed with how she dug right in and was responding to my needs. She’s been looking at our finances through the past few years and our taxes. She started making recommendations right away of the things that we should do so we can save money. We are in the process of implementing those items right now. I highly recommend Courtney Epps with Outside the Box.

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